Instagram Review: ginmotherlover

Check out @ginmotherlover on Instagram and her Hurt Liqueur Pink G&T! ❤️
@ginmotherlover Happy Launch Day 🎉
@hurtliqueur is a brand new liqueur created from the Hurt berries in the Surrey Hills. Hurt berries, or also known as Huckleberry or Hurtleberries grow throughout the summer with a highly intense flavour, they look very similar to blueberries, taste wise is more tart I’d say.
This inspiration of creating this are friends living in the area, during lockdown going on many walks, discovered the Hurtberry whilst out walking in the Hurtwood forest, 12 months later and lots of recipes they created this fab recipe and it’s now available for all to buy and discover.
This is very versatile, and can be used to jazz up some fizz, or add to a gin like I have here. Other ideas include just neat over ice and drizzled over ice cream! 🤤👌🏼
So here I used lots of ice, 50ml London Dry gin, 5-15ml of the Hurt topped up with a light tonic and garnished with mint.
It was pretty, bright and tasted lovely, not overly sweet which is perfect, but had a lovely fruity but dry taste.
I’m definitely going to try this in some prosecco soon, who doesn’t love a pink drink! 💗👌🏼
Well done guys, you’ve smashed it with this, I’m very grateful I got to be one of the first to try it out! Thankyou 🤩
Go check out their new website, it’s available to buy now online

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